“Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.”
Psalm 100 verses 1-3


Every Sunday, we celebrate the Holy Eucharist at both 8:00 am and 10:30 am. The early service is intimate and contemplative. The larger 10:30 service features music accompanied by the pipe organ. All are welcome to receive the Eucharist at our services. We gather for fellowship and coffee hour after the 10:30 services.

The 8:00 am service is in-person only but the 10:30 am service is also Zoomed.


Please join us  – we will be worshipping via ZOOM:

– Zoom Worship Service at 10:30 am  

The following link works for all Sunday services.

Videos for past Zoom Services are listed under “Media

Click here to see a copy of our Sunday bulletin.

Click here to see video about creating sacred space at home.


Overview: Throughout the year, we offer seasonal services, such as: sung Evensong, Stations of the Cross, Holy Week services, Thanksgiving Day celebration, and an Epiphany Celtic Service of Lights. We welcome you to join us to celebrate any season of the year. brief reading and followed by optional sharing. All are welcome.



Noonday Prayer is happening distanced at home.  


We offer a variety of options during the week for worship:

  • At 12:00 noon every weekday and Saturdays, the service of Noonday Prayer is offered in Trinity Chapel. Open to the community, this brief service is an important part of our ministry of prayer.
  • On Monday evenings, an open, inter-faith group gathers in the Chapel at 7:30 pm for thirty minutes of silent Christian meditation, preceded by a brief reading and followed by optional sharing. All are welcome.


We offer a variety of special services for the Christian community as part of our liturgies here at St. B’s. Special services are liturgies we use to mark important times in our lives, like baptisms, confirmations, weddings, thanksgivings for the birth or adoption of a child, healing, and funerals. The three special services we offer regularly are baptismhealing, and marriage.




Baptism by water and the Holy Spirit is an outward, visible sign of an inward, spiritual grace. It is also the rite of entry into membership in the Christian faith. So baptism also implies a commitment to being a vital and active part of a faith community experiencing God by worshipping regularly, learning about the faith and seeking ways to live our faith in action. In our tradition, baptisms take place in the during our regular Sunday worship.

If you have an interest in being baptized please download and fill out the baptism_application and contact the office to set an appointment with the clergy.


We offer the opportunity for prayers for healing in many ways. Healing is the chance to lay before God our concerns about ourselves and those we love who yearn for physical, mental, emotional or spiritual relief. Prayers can be offered by calling the office and placing a name on our prayer list. Individuals on our prayer list are prayed for daily during our worship services. We also print the prayer list every Sunday so that those on the list can be prayed for by all parishioners.

In cases of a more intense need, the Daughters of the King (a women’s prayer and service group) will offer prayers throughout a specified duration of time. Forms to request prayers from the Daughters can be found in the Tower Room and Parish House, or you can email a prayer request to the office. Additionally, every Sunday we offer prayers of healing during our worship services. Here in the presence of a lay person and a clergy member, you may ask for confidential prayers for yourself or someone else. They will lay hands on you and ask for God’s healing grace.


The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is a solemn and joyful occasion when two individuals are joined together, making promises to each other, and presenting themselves for the blessing of God. Holy Matrimony is a serious rite of the church, and those considering marriage must accept the church’s standards and expectations. It is required that at least one of the parties be a baptized Christian; that the ceremony be attested by at least two witnesses; and that the marriage conform to the laws of the State and the canons of the Episcopal Church. At St. Bartholomew’s it is expected that all persons wishing to be married will be active members of our Christian community, demonstrated by their regular attendance at worship and their intention to participate in the life of this parish.

If you would like further information, please fill out the Marriage Application and contact the office for an appointment with one of the clergy.