The Classics

our fellowship and formation group for adults ages 50 and up, meets on the third Wednesday of each month from September through May in the Parish House from 11 am-1 pm. Topics covered any given month vary from entertaining to educational, and all “classics” are welcome.

Sewing B’s

is a group of stichers, quilters, and handcrafters who meet monthly on the second Monday of the month.

Men’s Group

is open to men of all ages, meets on the second Saturday of each month from September through June.

Prayer Shawl Group

meets on the first Wednesday of the month to craft shawls and prayers squares.



The ministries of our members are crucial to the functioning of St. B’s. Nowhere is this more obvious than on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am, when the church is filled with those serving during that liturgy. More than 50 people normally serve at various ministries every Sunday.

Vital parts of our liturgy are led by volunteers:

  • Ushers (who greet worshippers at the door and provide hospitality and guidance),
  • our Verger (who serves as our Master of Ceremonies),
  • Acolytes (who serve and assist the clergy during the liturgy and carry crosses, torches, and banners in our processions),
  • Lectors (who read the lessons),
  • Sub-deacons (who serve at the altar),
  • Intercessors (who lead our prayers),
  • Chalicists (who serve at the altar and administer the cup of wine during the Eucharist),
  • Healing ministers (who lay hands upon those desiring healing for themselves and others), and
  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs, who take the sacrament out to members who are sick and shut-in).



At 8:00 am, Weed and Worship takes place. Schedule your time and garden space with Celeste Thurston or just show up. In colder months activities are likely to stop.


Tellers work in rotating groups to count and record the offering collection each week.

Coffee Hour

Volunteers work to setup the coffee hour immediately following the 10:30 service.  In summertime volunteers are taken on a weekly basis.  Contact Sharon Selleck to volunteer or signup at the coffee hour table.  During the year teams rotate on a weekly basis.