Sunday morning classes for children age 3 through grade 5 meet during the 10:30 AM Service.
When prompted, the children leave the sanctuary and gather in the Tower Room. Usually this happens at the beginning of the Sequence Hymn which precedes the Gospel reading. They meet their teachers there and go to the classrooms for a 40-minute Children’s Word, and activities. They return at the Passing of the Peace for the Eucharist.
Grade 3- Grade 5
Meets in the Copier Room
Both classes use the Spark curriculum which follows the day’s Lectionary.
Each class is lead by a parishioner volunteer with an assistant.
We will have activities, learning and singing if allowed. Please join us! (Registration Form)
Additional Opportunities:
- At 9:15 AM on Sunday during the adult Faith Forum children from infant to grade 5 are welcome in the Cribbery in the Parish House. There will be age-appropriate activities.
- During the 10:30 AM Sunday service children are invited to help take the food donations to the altar during the offering.
- On the 2nd Sunday of each month during the 10:30AM Sunday service children are encourage to stay by the altar to observe after bring up the offering.
- Older children often participate in the service either as acolytes or readers.